Sunday, May 4, 2008

I still function....

Wow, long time since the blog has seen an honest to goodness post. I'll just make a mental note that teaching a second course, even if it is a boutique course, and serving on a few university level committees are an amazing time sink.

Anyway, a few interesting updates since the last time I posted:

INFOCOM TPC: Whoot! Finally made it in which was nice and just in time for the promotion and tenure package for the fall. Special thanks to the anonymous individuals who pulled me in :)

RIPPS Demo We did a slightly working of RIPPS (our work on detecting rogue wireless access points) at INFOCOM 2008. USB and Mac Mini's do not play that well together when you toss libpcap into the mix.

Travel, travel, travel Per the recommendations of Azer Bestavros, I did the first leg of my CAREER evangelization tour visiting Univ. of Connecticut, Boston University, MIT, and Univ. of Kentucky in a one week span. Plenty of wonderful feedback and comments on the two works presented (RIPPS and my CAREER work).

Now that the semester is almost winding down, my goal is to bring the inter-post time way, way down and to muse on our weekly papers. We tried an experiment of discussion topics and papers which did not fare nearly as well.